Saturday 1 January 2011

Sirah Intro


The Sunni Version of Life of Prophet Muhammad

We give below the two new books by Sunni muslims on the Life of Prophet Muhammad.

Biographies of Muhammad are known as Siras, or Sirahs.

"Sira" in Arabic means "Life of"

Many siras have been written on Prophet Muhammad.

Sunnis and Shias have their own versions of Prophet's biography.

In this page only Sunni books on Sira are given:

1. Life of Prophet Muhammad.

This book is often entitled: "RAHEEQ AL MAKHTUM" (The Sealed Nectar)

It is written by: Saiful-Rahman Mubarakpuri

This is a large book and, therefore, presented in two parts:

Sealed Nectar 1.
Sealed Nectar 2.

Second book is:

2. The Life of Muhammad.

Entitled "Hayat-e-Muhammad"

It was written by: The Education Minister of Egypt, Dr. Muhammad Husayn Haykal.

This is also a large book and, therefore, presented in two parts:

Haykal 1.
Haykal 2.


The Shias version of the Sirah can be found at a different page. Click link here:


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